Wakefield Council opens support hubs to battle Christmas debt

Wakefield Town HallWakefield Town Hall
Wakefield Town Hall
Wakefield Council is offering residents across the district advice and support with money and debt through a new service based at local community hubs.

Christmas is an expensive time for everyone and nobody wants to get into debt for it. This year it’s even harder for families who have less income due to the effects of the pandemic.

Anyone who is struggling can get help and advice at their local community hub, where they will be put in touch with a range of organisations who can give tailored support.

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Coun Maureen Cummings, Chair of the Resident’s Recovery Group and Cabinet Member for Environment, Communities and Poverty, said: “We know that Christmas is an expensive time of year anyway but the pandemic has unfortunately left even more people struggling financially.

“If you’re worried about money, we’re here to help. Please do not struggle and get into an even worse situation. Get in touch and we can point you in the right direction for support and advice to help you get through the Christmas period and beyond.”

Here are a few top tips to save money this Christmas:

Plan ahead - people should work out how much they can realistically afford before they start spending.

Set a little aside each week for Christmas and save it in an interest bearing account.

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Set a limit on how much to spend on each person and stick to it.

Remember that Christmas is an expensive time for everyone. With some close friends and adults in the family, make a ‘no presents’ pact. Or agree to exchange only token gifts with a fixed limit on spend.

Try shopping with cash only – then people can’t spend more than their budget.

Try not to feel pressurised by children into buying expensive toys.

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Avoid store cards as most are poor value and some can charge an interest rate of around 30%.

Don’t just run up an overdraft without talking to your bank.

Shop around for the best deal on a credit card and check that the monthly instalments and total charge are within budget. Look out for ‘interest free’ deals but check the time limit on repayments.

Shop around - it may be cheaper elsewhere.

‘Help at the Hub’ was developed by the Wakefield Recovery Board and the aim of the scheme is to help support residents and communities impacted by the pandemic, by bringing together trusted partners to offer the help and support that is needed.

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Partners including Citizens Advice, DWP, WDH, Nova and the Council, will work with charities and communities to provide access to services within local areas, both virtually and face-to-face, to help residents with issues including financial advice, and other issues affecting lives due to the impact of the global pandemic.

Get Help at the Hub – visit www.wakefield.gov.uk/hub to find a local community support hub.