Docile driver crashes into lamppost - and leaves his number plate behind

The bumper left on Falcon Drive.The bumper left on Falcon Drive.
The bumper left on Falcon Drive.
A docile driver left behind vital evidence after crashing into a lamppost and fleeing - his bumper with number plate attached.

The driver collided with the structure at around 5pm on Monday evening on Falcon Drive in Castleford.

There was no damage to the lamppost, but the full front bumper of the vehicle was left on the grass verge after the driver panicked and fled the scene.

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A witness said: "I did report it to the police because the driver raced off which seemed suspicious.

"It was a small silver car but I couldn't get make because he drove off too quick.

"It won't be long before there is a serious accident or even a death on Falcon Drive, cars are always flying up and down, screeching and just driving like idiots. Something needs to be done."