Drug addict found guilty of murdering 90-year-old Pontefract man in his own home

Mr Suggitt was last seen in his local supermarket.Mr Suggitt was last seen in his local supermarket.
Mr Suggitt was last seen in his local supermarket.
A drug addict has been convicted of murdering a 90-year-old man by stabbing him to death in his own home in Pontefract.

A Leeds Crown Court jury deliberated for just two hours and 25 minutes before unanimously finding Glyndwr Wayman guilty of murdering Nathan Suggitt on October 5, 2019.

The jury also unanimously found Wayman, 50, guilty of the robbery of a 61-year-old woman in Pontefract just over three weeks earlier.

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Judge Simon Phillips QC adjourned sentencing to a provisional date of Thursday, November 19.

Police at the scene of the crime.Police at the scene of the crime.
Police at the scene of the crime.

Remanding Wayman in custody just after 12pm on Friday (Nov 13), Judge Phillips told him: "I'm not going to sentence you today. You know what type of sentence it will be, a life sentence with a substantial minimum term. I will issue the minimum term at sentencing. This is likely to be on the 19th."

The murder trial heard Mr Suggitt was found dead with five stab wounds at his home on Love Lane Terrace after friends contacted police concerned for his welfare.

Jurors were told how Glyndwr Wayman was captured on CCTV footage at a Cash Generators store trying to sell Mr Suggitt’s valuables on the same day.

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Kama Melly QC, prosecuting, said Mr Suggitt was last seen alive returning home from a shopping trip to his local Asda store on the morning of October 5.

Glyndwr Wayman, who was found guilty of murder.Glyndwr Wayman, who was found guilty of murder.
Glyndwr Wayman, who was found guilty of murder.

Wayman, who lived on the same street as him, was in the area at the time.

Ms Melly said the two men knew each other and had a brief conversation in the street.

Mr Suggitt’s body was found in his living room at 9pm that evening. There were signs of an altercation taking place as tables were damaged and other items had been knocked to the floor.

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A post mortem revealed Mr Suggitt had stab wounds to his upper body, including a stab wound to his heart. There was also evidence that his pockets had been searched.

The court was told Mr Suggitt wore a distinctive ring on his finger which was missing from his body. Ms Melly said: “That afternoon, before the body was discovered, we say that Mr Wayman was attempting to get rid of the items that he had taken.

“He was trying to get rid of the ring and the jewellery and tried to do so at a Cash Generators in Pontefract that afternoon.”

Forensic officers found DNA evidence inside Mr Suggitt’s trouser pocket which linked Wayman to having contact with the pensioner.