Miniature railway route given go-ahead to extend

The miniature railway route has been given the go ahead to extend.The miniature railway route has been given the go ahead to extend.
The miniature railway route has been given the go ahead to extend.
A children’s activity group has successfully applied to extend its miniature railway around its two-acre grounds.

The two battery-powered locomotives has proved popular at Jenny’s Field in South Hiendley with its 40 metre-long track that can transport up to eight people around in total.

Crime drop-ins to be held at Knottingley supermarkets Sited at the former methodist church on Main Street, it is run by The Exodus Project which provides activities for children in the area.

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They propose to use the railway for open events, which they are wanting to organise more of.

A statement provided from the charity reads: “We want to extend the railway, primarily to improve the experience for the children and young people who come to our centre at Jenny’s Field.

“We don’t propose the charge people who might come to the occasional open day, but may invite donations to help support our charitable objectives.”

The application was granted by Wakefield Council.

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