Take bags of dog mess home

Dog poo in a bag which has been thrown into a tree on Barley Cop Lane. Picture: Michelle BladeDog poo in a bag which has been thrown into a tree on Barley Cop Lane. Picture: Michelle Blade
Dog poo in a bag which has been thrown into a tree on Barley Cop Lane. Picture: Michelle Blade
Bri Shaw, via email

On Wednesday, March 29 I went for a walk through the woods down to Newmillerdam.

I parked on Barnsley Road. I like to think I am a responsible dog owner and always pick up my dog mess and put it in a bin.

If I can’t find a bin then I take it home with me.

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On walking through the woods on this particular day, I counted at least 23 dog bags that had been left by irresponsible dog owners.

Do they think that these bags will just go to the bin on their own? No. It is far worse leaving the bags than just leaving the dog mess.

They look good carrying fancy black bags - it’s a pity they do not know what to do with them.