Police horse Bud recovers after football fans’ attack

West Yorkshire Police horse Bud.West Yorkshire Police horse Bud.
West Yorkshire Police horse Bud.
A West Yorkshire Police horse has made a full recovery after he was attacked by football fans following Sunday’s Tyne and Wear derby.

Bud, of West Yorkshire Police’s mounted section, was controlling crowds at the match between Newcastle and Sunderland when a fan tried to punch him.

Three police officers were hurt and 29 football fans arrested when violence broke out following Sunderland’s 3-0 victory at St James’ Park.

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And images and video footage showed a man taking a swing at Bud.

But police inspectors said he was safe and well this week.

Insp Trevor Thackray, of West Yorkshire Police’s mounted section, said: “We are pleased to say that Bud is totally fine and resting up after Sunday’s eventful operation in Newcastle.

“Our police horses are used to dealing with all types of disorder, so, while the images on the news may have looked shocking, Bud wasn’t hurt and his regular training ensures that he his acclimatised to this type of situation’.

“The West Yorkshire Police Mounted Section is a well regarded unit and our horses and officers are hugely experienced, so Bud will be back on the streets the next time duty calls.”