Almost half of adults are living below ‘the green line’ and are struggling to afford sustainable lifestyle changes

A study of 2,000 adults found they each need an average of at least £389 in spare money, after food, bills and putting a roof over their own heads, to be as eco-friendly as they’d like.

A third of those polled would love to be able to get solar panels if money were no object, while 28 per cent would get an electric vehicle.

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And 26 per cent would be open to buying locally produced food if their bank balance allowed.

Contributing to charities, helping the homeless, upgrading the boiler and installing smart technology are all on the list of positive changes people would like to make – with a bit more cash.

But the average adult has just £367 in the bank once the bills and monthly outgoings have been catered for, while one in five have less than £100 and 13 per cent have under £200.

Many affected by the bite of living costs

It also emerged cost is now the top priority for purchasing (65 per cent), and opting for green providers (15 per cent) or products (24 per cent) is now less of a must in the current cost-of-living climate.

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However, many acknowledge there are some areas where they can still make a difference, such as using a reusable coffee cup to save money on out-of-home drinks purchases, buying fewer takeaways, and being more economical with use of certain products.

Hygiene and health company Essity has mapped the sustainable efforts of the nation across the past 12 months and chart the struggles at

A spokesman said: “The cost-of-living crisis continues to bite, and as well as having an impact on our everyday spending, it is also affecting our behaviours towards sustainable living.

“Studies over the last three years show a consistent willingness for British people to be more sustainable, but they feel they are constantly being pushed in the opposite direction due to a reducing disposable income and a perceived lack of more sustainable options.”

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A greener lifestyle

The study also found that over the last 12 months, the economic crisis has affected people's ability to afford household bills the most (37 per cent), followed by the purchase of food and drinks (15 per cent).

More than four in 10 (44 per cent) now find it harder to afford what they want, while 49 per cent have less disposable income than they did a year ago.

And when it comes to prioritising with the small amount of spare cash they do have,  people are choosing to put this in savings (35 per cent) or holidays (14 per cent), rather than sustainability (10 per cent).

But more than half would like to be more environmentally friendly, but don’t feel in a position to make that happen.

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To aid change, many would like the emphasis on being green to be taken off their shoulders – with 35 per cent wanting to see less packaging on products in shops, and 32 per cent welcoming better recycling facilities.

Cheaper or more public transport would be a positive introduction for 30 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll, while 28 per cent would like solar panels to be put on buildings and 27 per cent want to see a ban on single use plastics.

More sustainable restaurants, schools and workplaces are considered a must by many, as are the implementation of wind farms and green spaces.

A fifth want Government to take charge and incentivise businesses to be greener, and for there to be more investment or research into eco-friendly power alternatives.

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The spokesman for Essity added: “The results of the study tell us that the current economic climate feels like a stranglehold for people wanting to live a greener lifestyle.

“But there are many actions we can take that not only have a positive sustainability impact but will also benefit our pockets too. We all need to think about how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle.”

Eco-friendly changes people in the UK can’t afford

1. An electric vehicle

2. Solar panels

3. Smart technology

4. To upgrade the boiler

5. Provide transportation for others

6. Buy from a sustainable clothing brand

7. Insulate the house

8. Contribute to charities

9. Eco-friendly goods for the home

10. Sustainably produced food and drink

11. To help the homeless

12. Sustainable products

13. Locally produced food

14. To volunteer within the community or in schools

15. To use a green energy supplier