Donald Trump is making it harder for Americans to vote by post - here’s why

(Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)(Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
(Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

As the number of coronavirus cases and deaths continues to rise across the United States ahead of the country's 3 November election, thoughts are turning to mail-in ballots.

This form of voting allows citizens to cast their votes in the presidential election, while not having to attend their local polling station and risk contracting the virus.

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However, current President Donald Trump has expressed concern about an increase in postal ballots, and has actively moved to make it harder for Americans to vote via post.

The worrying news comes as experts revealed concern about catching Covid-19 could keep up to half of the electorate away from in-person voting.

Here's everything you need to know.

Why is Donald Trump against postal votes?

As opinion polls continue to show Trump trailing in popularity to presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden, the President obviously sees mail-in ballots as a threat to his position.

His opinions on the system were first made known in May when he tweeted, "There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.

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